Need a Factory fix before the summer? Check out what some of our ensemble members have been working on:
Matt Engle, after recently closing Legion with Wildclaw Theater, is back as a buccaneer at Navy Pier. Check him out. Watch him shake his pirate treasure. At the end of May, he begins rehearsals for Factory's LEAGUE OF AWESOME!
Corri Feuerstein, founding director of
Will Act For Food Theater Company, recently produced the currently running
Ten Unknowns by Jon Robin Baitz. Shows run Thurs.- Sun. through May 29. Go
here for more details. All food donations benefit the Lakeview Pantry.
Laura McKenzie is part of the two-woman comedy rock extravaganza known as the
Laura On Laura Comeback Tour. Shows run on Thursdays through May 20 at the iO Theater. Click
here for more info. Click
here to read the review in the Tribune.
Eric Roach will be appearing in The Odd Couple, a little-known diddy by some dude named Neil Simon. Previews are May 18-22 and opening night is May 23 at the Raven Theater. Click
here for more info!
Now go see some shows!