Monday, November 30, 2009

Factory Theater on You Tube.

No- we're not just discovering You Tube, we've had videos up there for years, thank you very much. We just finally decided to have our own channel. You'll find all sorts of stuff, new and old. Give it a look and subscribe.

Here's the channel link:

Friday, November 27, 2009

3 + 3 = Six Star Saturday.

Ok- It's so-called "Black Friday" today and you aren't shopping, you're reading our blog. Ok, maybe you are actually standng in the aisles of a Forever 21, Rainbow, or Chess King and you're reading this on a handheld device as you shop for the co-worker whose name you pulled in the Secret Santa thingy they do at your job, whatever. The point is- you are reading this now, and perhaps thinking about attending a Factory show tonight. Only problem is, you can't. We're all either in the aisle next to you or on our way home from our own Thanksgiving gatherings. However, we're back in FULL FORCE on Saturday with the mother of all deals on our double-bill of 1985 & Hunky Dory. This Saturday night, November 28th- we've got both shows going at the 2 for 1 rate- that means you and a pal or relative who is still in town can see both shows for the combined price of 30 bucks. (that's 15 bucks a person for two shows) Pretty sweet.

Incidentally both shows received three star reviews in The Chicago Tribune over the last week, so you're looking at 6 stars for 15 bucks.

Check it out, here's 1985's review

Now go here to get tix. Enter the code word "thanks" for each 2 ticket purchase and you are on your way.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Audition Notice for Factory's Spring Show

Like REO says, keep on rollin'. 1985 is open to rave reviews and Hunky Dory is hot on its heels. Get your tickets for these fantastic shows! See them individually or take in a double feature! With these two terrific shows in full operation, the Factory rolls out auditions for Hey! Dancin!, the first show of the 2010 season.

Here's the official announcement:

The Factory Theater holds auditions for "Hey! Dancin'!" by Kirk Pynchon and Mike Beyer at the Prop Theater, 3504 N. Elston. Slots available on December 5 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and December 6 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. You will be asked to do a cold reading and to show us some of your dance moves. Looking for men and women from early 20's to late 40's who move, celebrate big hair and dig the 1980's music. The show runs March 12th-April 24th. Email headshot and resume to Producer Colin Milroy at Further Factory information:

Send your stuff in for auditions. Come on out and play with us. We've had a gnarly Ensemble read-through already, playwrights Beyer and Pynchon worked hard sharpening this fine piece, and we will have a terrific show. Like Bono says, can't stop the dance.

Monday, November 16, 2009

1985 cast to appear on Monsters in the Morning.

Set the alarm, brew the coffee, or just program that DVR. The cast of 1985 will appear on Comcast Sportsnet's Monsters in the Morning at 7:30am tomorrow. The show airs from 6:00am to 9:00am, check your local cable provider for channel number. We'll do a brief scene from the show, and probably have a short interview with North & Jiggetts. Should be fun, check it out if you can. We imagine Tim McGraw will be on after us. Sadly, we'll be missing Jerry Rice by two days.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

1985 featured in today's Sun Times

From today's Quick Hits column by Elliott Harris

The closest Quick Hits generally gets to culture is occasionally having a bit of yogurt.

When it comes to being a theater buff, Quick Hits thought the term had something to do with ''Oh! Calcutta!''

So attending a play is somewhat unusual -- although, in this case, it was sports-related.

''1985'' is a takeoff of George Orwell's novel 1984 -- with George Halas as Big Brother. The comedy -- which premieres Friday at 8 p.m. at the Factory Theater, 3502 N. Elston -- takes a look at what it means to be a Bears fan. The play is written by Chas Vrba, who also portrays the central figure of Winston. It's directed by Eric Roach.

After viewing a preview performance, Quick Hits wondered: Why no Honey Bears in the cast?

''That's a very good question,'' said Vrba, who started writing the play when the Bears were celebrating the 20th anniversary of their 1985 Super Bowl season. ''We had a launch party to raise funds for the show. A number of the women in the company did go in full cheerleader regalia. It basically was fantasy brought to life. Maybe we could have them in the box office selling tickets.''

His inspiration for writing the play?

''A love for the Chicago Bears and for literature, specifically 1984. I thought it would be really cool if I could get fans of literature and sports in the same room together 'cause most of my peers tend to like one or the other. There are exceptions. I'm working with a great theater company with a lot of great sports fans.''

Cast members tackle their roles like All-Pros.

''I think there's a little Winston in all of us,'' Vrba said. ''I'm an everyman character guy, and in that way I think Winston is that.''

Everyman and every fan.

Anyone who enjoys the Bears (and to a lesser degree the Cubs) and/or enjoys making fun of anguished fans and/or enjoys plays should enjoy ''1985.''

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Cheap Seats

While our makeover might not be quite as extensive as the job done on Soldier Field in 2003, we've done a bit of rearranging in our space over at the Prop Thtr. We haven't added any skyboxes or anything, but we have made a marked improvement to the sightlines of what were formally the worst seats in our house. Gone are those "obstructed view" seats you would find right by the door as you entered the theater. Instead, you'll find that the section has been shifted to the center of the house providing a great view of all the action.

This weekend will allow for the first "test drive" of those seats. 1985 has its preview performances this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's a great opportunity to get the first look at our new show before final adjustments are made for next week's OPENING NIGHT and it can be done on the cheap. Preview tickets only cost $10 bucks. So, come check it out and scratch off #37 on Time Out Chicago's list of 65 Things to Do This Fall.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sweetness Remembered. 1954-1999

It has been ten years since Walter Payton passed away. Factory Theater was in the midst of the run of Endzone, a play that focused heavily on the mania surrounding high school football. The day Walter passed happened to fall on our Industry Night performance of the show and it was a no-brainer to dedicate the performance to Sweetness.

It's hard to believe a decade has gone by since then. But it has, and once again, Factory Theater remembers the great Walter Payton as it prepares to open another football-centric show, 1985.

While 1985 celebrates the man, and you probably know all about his football accomplishements, today we'd like to share a quote of his that has nothing to do with football.

"Most important thought, if you love someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store."

Sound advice from a beloved Chicago icon who inspired many of us at the Factory Theater.