Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sweetness Remembered. 1954-1999

It has been ten years since Walter Payton passed away. Factory Theater was in the midst of the run of Endzone, a play that focused heavily on the mania surrounding high school football. The day Walter passed happened to fall on our Industry Night performance of the show and it was a no-brainer to dedicate the performance to Sweetness.

It's hard to believe a decade has gone by since then. But it has, and once again, Factory Theater remembers the great Walter Payton as it prepares to open another football-centric show, 1985.

While 1985 celebrates the man, and you probably know all about his football accomplishements, today we'd like to share a quote of his that has nothing to do with football.

"Most important thought, if you love someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store."

Sound advice from a beloved Chicago icon who inspired many of us at the Factory Theater.

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