I hear that Twitter is the Hot New that theater companies need to take advantage of NOW. But how the heck are we supposed to maximize its impact?
Dead Wrong is going real well. I have a well-connected source who informs me last night's rehearsal was particularly terrific. Don't forget -- previews June 19, opening night June 26. Make sure you attend the big opening weekend soiree as well. It ought to be a rockin' time.
Wow, Land of The Lost is getting shitty reviews? I NEVER saw that coming!
Factory Softball is off to an 0-2 start, and we just as easily could be 2-0. New free agent acquisition Derrick Nelson was a key pickup. Kudos to Factory GM Jim Hendry....er, I mean Joe Gehr.
I could try to talk about the 16-inch softball rivalry known as Factory-Annoyance, but mere words fail the intensity of this rivalry. It's the Ohio State-Michigan of softball matchups. Circle June 24 on your calendar. It's going to be a BLOODBATH!
The blog has not properly welcomed Ray Brazaski and Joie Jackson Graves to the Factory ensemble fold. Welcome Joie & Ray! Spooning with the Beave optional!
Wow, but it was great to see Molly Brennan again at the Factory launch party. We gotta get a Q&A going for her.
Speaking of, the launch party at Chief O'Neill's was all kinds of awesome. Jackie Shollins is a barely contained force of nature on stage. Thanks to everyone who attended. You are friends of the Factory and we love you.
Only three more opportunities to see WAFF's "American Notes" in the usual Factory space at the Prop. There are all kinds of Factory people involved with this one, including director Corri Feuerstein. I myself was coaxed out of my hermetically sealed cave to check it out, and I'm glad I did. It was terrific. The on-stage chemistry between Scott Pasko and Devon Carson in particular is worth your time. The show closes Sunday....see it.
Congrats to long-time Factory friends David Cromer and Jen Grace for winning big fancy New York City awards for "Our Town"! Another old Factory face (Scott Parkinson) is currently appearing in the show as well.
See "Up"! Ignore a certain ensemble emeritus' review! Wonderful movie.
Just for the heck of it: Chas Vrba kicks ass and rules the planet.
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