We have a lot of Factory folk doing outside projects and generally having a life outside the Factory. So for today's feature, we thought we would highlight who's doing what in Chicago. I think I have all the info, but if I have it wrong, please correct me. And then I'll get to it whenever I feel like it.
On to the ensemble people and their doings:
Sara Sevigny is in her final weekend of Solid Gold Cadillac at the Athenaeum. A huge Factory group is going on Thursday for industry night, so you know that'll be a rockin' crowd. Yay Sevigny! Join her PhP board too, so you can do a bunch of online things that I don't yet understand.
Sara Sevigny is in her final weekend of Solid Gold Cadillac at the Athenaeum. A huge Factory group is going on Thursday for industry night, so you know that'll be a rockin' crowd. Yay Sevigny! Join her PhP board too, so you can do a bunch of online things that I don't yet understand.
Chas Vrba will be in Hizzoner, starting this weekend at the Theater Building -- I believe. I can't think of one actor who belongs in that play more.
Christine Jennings is in Mop Top Festival and is anxiously awaiting the start of baseball season. Colin Milroy is also looking forward to baseball season -- but also to the impending birth of his second child. Hey Colin (and Paul Metreyeon) -- two kids are twice as fun as one! Really! They really are!
Laura McKenzie will be showing it in That's Weird, Grandma for six Sunday matinees at the Neo-Futurarium, starting April 12. Showtimes are 2 p.m. We need a Factory kids field trip for that one!
A true slacker in every sense of the word, Corri Feuerstein (pronounced FOY-er-stine) is following up a successful understudy turn in Mop Top Festival by directing "American Notes" by Len Jenkin for Will Act For Food. It goes up May 8 at the Prop Thtr. Everyone's favorite scholar C.W. VanBaale appears in the show, and America's Funny Man Tucker Curtis will understudy C.W.'s role on Memorial Day weekend. Evil Twins fan Nick Booth is doing the sound, and sex kitten Cat Dughi has volunteered her services for the company's foodraising benefit, Cans For Cash (May 18). All photographs by (who else?) the great Paul Metreyeon.
Matt Engle is back from the road and is apartment hunting. He wants to be near the el and pay less than $1200 a month. He still thinks The Proposition is a shitty movie. Learn!
Heather Tyler will be shooting a SAG short film, "Broken," over the weekend with Open Flame Films. She plays heroin Mom. Not to be confused with heroine Mom. Heather has "a big kitchen scene making cookies as the one-year-sober Mom, a death scene as the return-to-the-juice Mom, and a few random scenes as ho-mom who's gotta make a buck." Heather apparently also did something bad in a past life, because she will also be working with an ADD eight-year-old. Apparently, his real mom says to give him a Mountain Dew if he gets tired on set. FUN!!!!
Carrie J. Sullivan is in charge of these here parts, and you better kowtow or she'll have your ass in a Sybaris sling. She is knocking everyone's socks off on stage in Mop Top Festival in a terrific performance. Come see her -- particularly on Actor's Night, which takes place this coming Monday, April 6, at 8 p.m. at the Prop Thtr. Come see us! It's good! I'm working box that night! We can spoon!
Allison Cain is also in her final weekend of Mariette In Ecstasy at the Lifeline Theatre. Do those guys ever do a bad show?
Eric Roach can be seen in the upcoming Strawdog Theatre production Red Noses, which opens April 18. There are a ton of Factory friends in that one! It's gonna be a good'un! Strawdog!!
Congrats to Angie Martinez, who is ADing the next Factory smash hit Dead Wrong, for casting the show over the weekend! Previews are June 19.
1. Cans for Cash is May 16, and I gave the wrong date to Beave because I smoke crack to keep my energy up. What the hell do I care, anyway? As director, I'm not contractually obligated to care as of opening on May 8.
2. I am a slacker. So come see me in Dead Wrong, too, and throw things at me.
3. Yer mom. All of you.
Engle was also recently cast in Treasure Island with Lifeline theatre. He'll be playing 3 characters...the best character name being: DICK JOHNSON.
*personally, i think the good people of Lifeline are just trying to help you all keep him out of trouble while I'm gone this summer. apparently it's gonna take 2 long standing theatre companies to keep tabs on him. And to you all i say: Good luck. and God Bless.
Dick Johnson might be the best character name ever.
It takes two companies - two LARGE companies - to do what one woman can: keep tabs on Engle. We'll miss you this summer, girlie.
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